
Sure, Prince sang “Breakfast Can Wait” — but we’re impatient.
For that glorious episode of Chappelle’s Show below, Charlie Murphy (brother of comedian Eddie Murphy) recalls the time Prince made pancakes for his crew — after a “landslide victory” in hoops.
And then there was the priceless time Prince appeared on New Girl and gave advice to Zooey Deschanel over a plate of pancakes. Too funny. Here’s the full episode.
Well, we’ll be serving up princely hot cakes. The wait is over.
You can wash these babies down with Prince’s choice of herbal teas, Yogi’s Mayan Cocoa Spice. If you want something sweeter than the pancakes, then we’ve got the famed “Prince Cookie.” The recipe was crafted specifically to the artist’s tastes by a hometown restaurant in Minneapolis MN.
We’ve even contacted his personal chefs from People’s Organic to ask if they would cater and ship something. We shall see on that request…